It’s less than a month before the presidential elections and social media is on a frenzy. Everyone has their stand on all these national, moral and social issues and almost everyone are over enthusiastic to share their sentiments over FB. Who can blame them? It’s the one time where we feel we are given the right (and responsibility) to do something for our country that will directly affect it so I guess, the season is bringing out this zeal from everyone.
Sadly, the discussions in social media have taken quite a detour from the intellectual. I guess it’s safe to say that, lately, all of our FB feeds has had posts insulting (and name calling) the candidates, judging the supporter’s of a candidate, criticizing other people’s choices, questioning the morality of others and other disheartening matters. DISCLAIMER: This is not what I want to post about but I can’t help but write… Isn’t it ironic that in our quest for a better Philippines we have focused at the worst in and showed our worst to others?
Admittedly, this election, out of all the ones I have participated in, has the most disappointing roster. Ever since November last year, I knew I was going to take a long time in deciding who to vote for as I have my reservations with each presidential candidate. That is why, I prayed to God for wisdom as well as tried researching each candidate’s platform so that I will be able to make a decision I will be able to live with.
I already have a candidate I am voting for but, unlike others that have made a choice, I honestly don’t mind if the one I voted for doesn’t win and another candidate does. More than a fight for a better Philippines, I view this election as a fight of faith – the good fight of faith.
Firstly, it takes a great leap of faith in deciding who to vote for. We can analyze each candidate’s platform and character over and over again but really, there’s no perfect candidate and no guarantees on what one will be able to do during his or her term. Proverbs states that, “In their hearts, humans plan their course, but the Lord establishes their steps.” (16:9). The promises these candidates make are approximations of a future we’re not sure will happen. In reality, all we have is a vision for this country and we vote for the candidate we feel shares (or represents ?) that vision with no guarantees that that vision will come to pass.
Also, it takes faith to participate in this election. Truthfully speaking, we all acknowledge the possibility of cheating and vote buying that we sometimes joke about it nonchalantly. There are people in my circle that has become jaded with the whole election process that they have decided not to vote. But for those who keep on participating, the decision is because we have this faith that the voice of the people will not be muffled by the resources of one candidate or group, that the election process really works.
It takes faith as well to see that we, as a nation, are composed of individuals with a sound mind who have come at their conviction through critical thinking. Doing so will save this country from going down the drain as we refrain from tearing each other apart simply because we disagree. Having faith enables us to defend our stand rationally, not resorting to judging and mudslinging.
But most of all, it takes deep faith to submit ourselves to the will of God – that is, to submit ourselves to the authority God will establish. I have seen people passionately criticize other candidates that it seems to me they would rather die than be under that particular candidate’s rule. The Bible says in Romans 13:1, “Everyone must submit himself to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established. The authorities that exist have been established by God.” If you’re a Christian, what then does this verse mean to you? But, in a more practical manner, what are you planning to do when the candidate you dislike wins? Are you going to jump ship and leave this country to the dogs and ignore this passion that made you participate in this election in the first place? Or will you respectfully submit to the governing body, commending them for their good projects and voicing out reason against their bad decisions?
We all dream of a better Philippines, or at the simplest level, a better life. A lot of the people I know are sick of what’s happening to the Philippines and I believe, that’s a good thing. As more and more people become aware of the true state of our society, I see more and more people willing to act for the betterment of this country – whether it be by praying for this nation or gaining technological/theoretical knowledge to advance the country or educating others or standing up for what’s just and right. And, through all these things that are happening, I am reassured that God has a plan for the Philippines – plans that will all give us a hope and a future.